
Kaely's Body Well Journey: 3 Weeks In

Wondering how our mamas are doing during our current Body Well session? We checked in with Kaely, one of our mamas, and decided to follow her along in her journey. Take a look at her answers, written at the close of week 3!

Stay tuned for more on Kaely's journey as we check in with her again at the end of week 8!

1. Tell us a little about yourself & family. My name is Kaely R. and I live in Wheaton with my husband and our three sons. Bennett is 3 1/2, William is 1 1/2, and James is almost 4 months old. I am a stay at home mom who loves to stay active! Running around with the boys and FIT4MOM are my favorite hobbies!

2. How many Body Well sessions have you participated in? This is my second Body Well session. Both right after I had babies.

3. What is your "why" for joining this Winter session? I joined Body Well this session to help loose the rest of my baby weight. I had my third baby in October and knew I needed some discipline when it came to shedding the rest of the baby weight. I always struggle with food and exercise when breastfeeding. I was hoping to get some structure with food, great coaches, and strong workouts to help me reach my goal.

4. What was one of your goals you made at the beginning of the session? My goals were to eat more nutrient dense foods that keep me full and provide nutrients to the baby with breastfeeding. Also to get my body moving!

5. How are you feeling as we close out week 3? I am feeling the best I have felt in months! I was so scared that a new routine of eating healthy and working out would make me feel starved or affect my milk. However I have stayed so full and been able to keep up with workouts! Just eating nourishing foods every 3-4 hours has been the best for my body and gives me so much more energy. Back to keeping up with my kids. 😊

6. Do you have a favorite Winter recipe? Are the recipes family friendly? My favorite recipe is the easy white bean soup! I love making a big batch of it on Sundays to have for quick lunches and dinners throughout the week. A bonus is it cleans my fridge out of all the vegetables from the week so I don’t have to throw anything out. My family loves the spinach meatballs. Veggies on the side for me and add marinara and pasta for my husband and kids. A weekly staple for us even after Body Well!

7. What is your favorite thing about Body Well? I love the Body Well journal! Filling it out with the foods I eat daily to help reach my goals holds me accountable. Knowing that I’m sending it in to a coach to get feedback makes me aspire to eat well! It makes me want to keep working out daily and stay on track. Also helps me get movement in throughout the day. It’s always on my mind!

8. What exercise do you have a love/hate relationship with? 😉 Burpees are my love hate! Always seems so daunting however they push my body to the fullest. Make me feel strong and accomplished after a full set of burpees! Good thing I have coaches that love burpees too. 😊

