
Meet our June 2023 - Mom of the Month

Congratulations to Laura, our June Mom of the Month!

Laura is one of our regulars at our 5:30am classes! We love the energy and drive she brings to each workout. She is such a bright light in the morning for those around her and we are so glad she is a part of our village! Congrats, Mama!

Get to know Laura

Hometown: Elmhurst

Tell us who is in your family: My husband, Curt and two sons - 4-yr-old Finn and 21-month-old Cole

Current/Previous Career: Director of Development for a nonprofit speech therapy organization

What was your childhood ambition? I don't remember having a professional ambition as a kid, but I always knew I wanted to help people.

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood is the chance to instill the best parts of you in your children.

What is the farthest you have been away from home? A friend of mine started an organization to benefit the people in Lesotho, Africa. I was able to take a service trip with them about 9 years ago, and we rounded out the trip with a safari in South Africa. It was the prettiest landscape I've ever seen.

How did you find FIT4MOM DuPage County? Honestly, I don’t remember, but probably social media. I started coming 4 years ago after my first son was born, and I’ve been coming on and off since!

How has FIT4MOM DuPage County changed your life? After my third Body Well session, I think I've finally started to think about food and exercise in a healthy way. Before it was all or nothing. Now I think about how hungry I am before I eat, eat in moderation, make healthier choices, make time to exercise and don't let minor setbacks derail me. Y.ou got to just keep moving forward!

Favorite exercise: Anything with kickboxing!

Proudest Moment: You know, besides birthing two kids, my proudest moment was probably when I was able to buy a house on my own in my 20's.

What is one thing you have learned so far from this year? The one thing I've learned so far from this year is the importance of checking in with my family and checking out of distractions, social media, work, whatever is taking my attention away. Sometimes I have to make the conscious decision to redirect my attention, but it is so important to give my family the attention they deserve.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!: This is usually my fun fact - I was an athletic trainer in high school and could still tape a mean ankle!