
Meet Our April 2023 - Mom of the Month!

Congrats to Karen for being our April Mom of the month! Karen is such a kind, tender-hearted mama! We love to see her smiling face bright and early for workouts! Thanks for being a part of Our Village, mama!

Get to know Karen

Hometown: Wheaton

Tell us who is in your family: Husband, Mike, Daughter Ella (11) , Son Reid (9)

Current/Previous Career: Finance Director

What was your childhood ambition? To be a business lady. I guess that actually happened.

What does motherhood mean to you? Imperfection, unpredictability, opportunity, and unconditional love.

What is the farthest you have been away from home? France

How did you find FIT4MOM DuPage County? My good friend Erin M. encouraged me to come with her to a Body Well session to kick off our New Year’s resolutions. I claimed to only be there for the work outs at first and then became hooked on trying new healthy recipes. Since then I have learned to love quinoa, chia seeds and almond milk. Who would have thought it possible!

How has FIT4MOM DuPage County changed your life? I have never been a group workout person. Likely due to being under confident in a group session and perhaps not being the most coordinated. However, I have loved that this organization meets you where you are and understands not every day is perfect. I now love being part of a group and enjoy meeting new people. I also found out I can wake up early, repeatedly! My husband was the early bird before and and now I actually beat him out of the house.

Favorite exercise: I love the boost rounds. I don’t know if I can name a favorite exercise, but I can tell you what my least favorite are: lunge jumps!

Proudest Moment: Having my beautiful babies of course!

What is one thing you have learned so far from this year? Life is so much more fulfilling than work.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!: I once died my hair orange in junior high for a weird hair day and had to live with it like that for 6 months.