
The Family Focus

October is well upon us! School is moving along, leaves are starting to change, and fall activities have started. Routines have fallen into place, and some days it feels great! Other days though - you are stepping one leg out of bed at a time just trying to move to the next item on the agenda. Each day continues to move forward without choice because the movement of time is something we can count on. We fall into patterns with our schedules, our moods, and our parenting. Some patterns are energizing and helpful to keep our normal rhythms. Patterns that suck our energy though can be just as easy to fall into.

I was listening to a podcast recently that posed the question “What kind of family do you want to be? What kind of mother? What kind of sister or brother?” It seemed like such a simple question. So, I posed this question to my kids one day after they were bickering, and it brought them both to silence. We talked through what type of relationship they hoped to have with each other, and they realized how they’ve been acting recently was not what they really wanted. It was so profound that it made me check in with myself too.

It’s easy to become separated from each other within a family with individual interests, needs and wants. It’s human nature. Being the healthy family or the helpful family or the family that loves a dedicated game night takes intention and effort. The more we include our kids and partners in this effort though, the more likely it is to come to fruition. Attending a stroller class or a family class is an easy way to show that health and fitness is a priority for everyone. Staying for a playgroup can show a balance between work and play. Attending a Mom’s Night Out shows our families that everyone deserves time to themselves to do something they enjoy.

As we continue through the Fall, pre-holidays, consider taking some time to ponder these questions. You may even be surprised what you find in the answer.