
Meet our March 2024 - Mom of the Month

Congrats to Laura, our March Mom of the Month!

We love having Laura and her son in our stroller classes during the week! She has the best smile and can spark up a conversation about anything! Laura's dedication to getting to stroller class mostly every day is nothing short of amazing! We are so blessed to have you in our village, Laura!

Get to know Laura

Hometown: Wheaton

Tell us who is in your family: My husband Ed, my son Eddie (16mo), Sudo our Golden Retriever, and our two cats Ella & Hobbes.

Current/Previous Career: Currently I stay at home with my son but previously I taught Special Education at West Aurora High School for 9 years.

What was your childhood ambition? At one point I really wanted to become a I despise dust & dirt.

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood to me means unconditional love, learning on the go and lots of patience.

What is the farthest you have been away from home? Paris, France

How did you find FIT4MOM DuPage County? My neighbor and friend Stephanie A.

How has FIT4MOM DuPage County changed your life? I have found a wonderful community of fellow stay at home moms who are so friendly, outgoing and fun to be around! I love watching Eddie play with his friends after class , attending play groups and more. This has been a great opportunity to get out of my house everyday and my days go by so much faster now. I am so grateful for FIT4MOM!

Favorite exercise: FIT4MOM

Proudest Moment: The birth of my son.

What is one thing you have learned so far from this year? Do not take your family for granted, appreciate everyone you love and make the most of the time you have with your loved ones <3

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!: As a child I was the only one in my family that had a southern accent after living in Tennessee for a couple of years after moving back to Wheaton it took awhile to shake it off, I still say y'all once in a while...