
Instructor Highlight: Meet Stephanie!

You can most likely see Stephanie on the trails, at our FIT4BABY classes, or in the mornings at one of our stroller classes! Stephanie currently teaches FIT4BABY and Run Club+, but you can also catch her subbing for a Strides 360 class.

We are so lucky to have Stephanie on our team. She will be your biggest cheerleader and help you to reach those goals of yours! It's not too late to join her for our summer Run Club+! 😉

Who is in your family? Brian (husband), Heidi (3.5), Tyson (20 months), 3 Dogs (Beemer, Luanne & Dyna)

How long have you been teaching with FIT4MOM DuPage Co? What classes do you teach? 2 years - Strides 360, FIT4BABY, Run Club+

What is your favorite FIT4MOM class and why? Strides 360 - I love cardio and it adds strength and agility components which we all need! Plus, any class where I can have the kiddos in tow helps when i'm balancing busy schedules.

What can we expect from you as an instructor? I am your biggest cheerleader and want to help you push your limits. Tell me about your victories, fears, struggles, successes, progress, etc. Every piece is a reason to celebrate you!

What do you love about FIT4MOM? I love the whole Village feeling. When I have gone through some hard times it was the friendships I made through the village that got me through and supported me. It's amazing the people you meet and connect with that you may never have otherwise. Being surrounded by strong women who are either in similar situations, or have been there, is invaluable. The endless support, encouragement and camaraderie makes you feel invincible.

What is your favorite thing to do with your family? We love being outdoors! Whether that is in our own yard, at the pool, at the zoo, riding horses, anything that gets us outside in some fresh air is the best family time.