
Instructor Highlight: Meet Alicia

Alicia and her son joined our village one year ago. Since then, they have been a steady presence in classes, especially in Stroller Strides. Alicia has a passion for fitness and will bring that love and energy to each class she teaches. We are so excited for Alicia to join our team and take over our Stroller Strides class on Fridays!

Who is in your family? Matt Lomas (husband) & Leo Lomas (our son)

How long have you been teaching with FIT4MOM DuPage Co? What classes do you teach? I just finished training to be an instructor for Stroller Strides in January 2024, and I'm excited to get started!

What is your favorite FIT4MOM class and why? Stroller Strides, because the class privdes an excellent mix of cardio and strength moves that are easy to modify for how I'm feeling that day! My favorite part is that it's a fun and engaging workout that my son can enjoy right along with me!

What can we expect from you as an instructor? You can expect high energy, motivating workouts with a wide variety of exercises designed to increase your strength, stability, and flexibility from head to toe! With a background in competetive gymnastics and recent work as a mental health therapist, I am passionate about helping you tune into your mind and body connection to find the appropriate movements that you need for that day.

What do you love about FIT4MOM? I started with FIT4MOM when my son was about 6 months old. During that time, my body was going through many postpartum changes that felt overwhelming and sometimes discouraging. Finding FIT4MOM classes provided me with an overnight social support network that was understanding and compassionate about the new mom joys and struggles. Having fitness instructors that were knowledgeable about how to begin exercising again also made feel confident in pushing myself safely. All while being able to have my baby by my side!

What is your favorite thing to do with your family? We all love being active and experiencing new things as a family. From hiking and indoor rock climbing to learning a new instrument, you'll always find us out and about looking for new and exciting activities to enjoy together.